What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Livin' Theories

Mark my words:

To live in the present is quite interesting.

(The photo above was taken the moment I started this post; simple symbolism that connects your brain to the idea I'm trying to convey.)

Recently I've taken a great amount of care to forget about past events (the bad ones, usually) and to stop worrying so much about the future.
Old fashioned ideals may state that to live in the present is to live like a fool, because they think this means that we young people aren't making responsible plans, responsible decisions, or responsible anything.

Is living each day as if it were your last an irresponsible thing to do?

Theory 1: Less Thinking, More Living

The Foam Cabinet is getting old, I must say. However, the great thing about the Foam Cabinet is that not much thought is required to open the Foam Cabinet.

I've heard a friend state that their cousin goes to a Catholic school somewhere, and he asked some logical, meaningful question to his professor. The professor's reply was along the lines of: "If you don't think about it too much, it'll make sense."

The more I think about the pros and cons of something, say: "Should I fill out a college application today?", the less productive I become. My initial thought is: "Yes! It is good to fill out college applications! Do it!" Eventually, that thought spirals downward through asking myself why? and why not? and what's the point? that I spent two hours mulling over the very thing I could have finished in those two hours. If you haven't experienced this, I admire your ability to not analyze every aspect of your thoughts.

Back to the Foam Cabinet: I opened the Foam Cabinet today and found a small variety of options. Here are what they were:

- Clean
- Sleep
- Eat
- Laze
- Write
- Anything Else Unacceptable

Being the person that I am, I immediately put labels on these words:

- Clean *productive
- Sleep *refreshing
- Eat *pleasant
- Laze *preferable
- Write *work
- Anything Else Unacceptable *not true!

With the door of the Foam Cabinet still open, I continued to dissect the meaning of each task (or lack thereof):

- Clean *productive (I've been told to do it many times, and although it is cold upstairs, I might as well do something before 3:00...)
- Sleep *refreshing (I'm probably suffering from too much sleep, though the idea of escaping from reality for a bit does sound fabulous...)
- Eat *pleasant (My mother already made plenty of good food, but food is still available, and I could probably snack on something minor while thinking about what to do next...)
- Laze *preferable (I do it all the time, and society looks down upon such behavior, but everyone else is doing it; why can't I...)
- Write *work (My blog hasn't been updated in months, and it was a commitment that I made to myself; I don't want to break commitments if I don't have to...)
- Anything Else Unacceptable *not true! (There is a plethora of things to do, and as long as something is done, anything else could be acceptable...)

I didn't get much done for a whole ten minutes, and didn't make a decision until after all my thoughts started to give me a headache. The good news, though, is that I chose: Eat, Laze, Clean, Write, Anything Else, and finally Sleep. Sadly, it took me longer than necessary.

Theory 2: It's Counterproductive to Live Anywhere But in the Present

This is purely opinion, but I can certainly back this up with facts:

- I already think enough as it is--thinking about the past too much wouldn't get me anywhere, and I'd probably die from pure reminiscence.

- Dreams of the future are just that: dreams of the future. They won't come true until they become goals, and those goals won't be accomplished if no attention is placed on the process of achieving them.

- Every time I live with the mentality that today is more important than yesterday or tomorrow, my motivation skyrockets, and I get things done in joy.

All this said, I'm not saying telling stories or making plans is a stupid idea. What I'm saying is that one should not live in those stories or dwell upon those plans. Just get the unpleasant stuff over with and have fun with everything else.

Now for closing: another picture of the present!


  1. I enjoyed reading these thoughts and theories about life very much. I have really come to appreciate that you am I both share such a wonderfully thoughtful aspect of life that we can share and promote. It's almost like we are twins or something. ^.^ Again, love the post, hon, and can't wait to read your newspaper article!


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