What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Monday, October 10, 2011

40th Post, on the 10th day of the 10th month, in the year 2011

And what a month is has been!

Time is so useful these days, but for blogging? I have close to none of it.

In fact, I'm not even at home. I'm at school, in my 8th period, having finished all my assignments early. Normally, I use this time to catch up on my typing exercises, or to e-mail friends, but I've already e-mailed what I want, and am going to update this little blog of mine. Perhaps I'll even change all the visuals! And/or the format! Not to confuse anyone, of course. I just like to make things interesting.

Admittedly, I have not opened the Foam Cabinet much this month. I have barely even thought about the Foam Cabinet... shame on me!

So, I look around this classroom, and what do I see?
(I don't see a brown bear looking at me...)

Directly in front of me is Micah Hall (Whom I will refer to as Nemo). He has finished his typing lessons. All of them. Mrs. Teacher (obviously not her real name) is very impressed. She seems to be easily impressed.

And all along Nemo's row are other freshman girls. I'm probably the only junior in this class. There IS a senior, but I don't know her. She's in my row. The room smells of sweet pea lotion and new towels.

Fluffy blue towels. They don't smell like any other color...

Anyway, to say something worth being said, here are my thoughts:

  1. I do not want to kill myself. =)
  2. It smells REALLY strongly of sweet pea right now...
  3. I wonder if Soccer Boy#13 has soft arms.
  4. My hair is not that soft right now.
  5. And my fingers are cold.
  6. Lindsay (I shall call her Pearl) has something to tell me!! AND SHE REFUSES TO SPEAK OF IT!!
  7. I wish MMG would e-mail me back. I miss her.
  8. Will Mark (I'll call him Blondie) eat lunch with me tomorrow? 'Cause he didn't show up Friday.
  10. God is hilariously sweet. I love Him.
  11. Are they going to change the pledge of allegience to some "anti-religious" junk?
  12. Who's gonna be our new president?
  13. I bet Soccer Boy#13 also has soft hair. No, I KNOW he does. ;)
  14. I can imagine Soccer Boy#13's teasing glare right now... he's so modest.
  15. I like the feel of pressing buttons on a computer. Or pressing buttons in general.
  16. I'm too pink today.
  17. I like the number 19, but on page 19 today, I was reminded of the selfish evils of whites towards the Native Americans. So freakin' sad...
  18. Ed was the one who introduced the phrase "freakin'" to me.
  19. Nineteen! Make a wish, kids!
  20. My fingers are cold.
  21. Nemo is pretty handsome.
  22. All these freshman are so pretty! =D
  23. What can I do for my parents when I get home?
  24. Violet (Zara) and Pearl are so precious. I love them so very very much...
  25. I wonder how innocent I am? Because, although I know a lot, I haven't done much. Heck, I haven't even kissed anyone! Cool beans.
  26. Nemo is looking at flowers on his computer. ??
  27. I'm ready to play soccer tomorrow.
  28. I wish I could be more inspired to write letters to everyone.
  29. The human body is amazing.
  30. I'm going to miss church on Wednesday. =( But I can still praise God while marching my bass drum!
  31. 30 days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have 31, except for February.
  32. I wonder how Mrs. Sheehan is doing.
  33. What if all my friends died?
  34. What if I accidentally killed someone? Oh, gosh... I'd never live that down...
  35. I need a job.
  36. We have 15 minutes left in class.
  37. What is my passion?
  38. Hugs. <3
  39. 2:22 does not seep nearly as special as 11:11.
  40. I wonder why I don't cuss.
  41. I love the number 41! So I'll end on this note.

The Foam Cabinet is slowly and surely fading away as my life becomes busier and busier. But not to worry; it won't dissappear for a while.


  1. Fluffy blue towels eh? I think you need a bit of a check-up Ms. Josten.

    Okay I like this Blog alot..Update it more often :)


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