What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


There was much struggle, but I have found the Foam Cabinet at last! As it turned out, the Foam Cabinet left due to a case of investigation. The Foam Cabinet was obtaining more information to give me, and however rude and abrupt the Foam Cabinet may have been, the Foam Cabinet makes every absent moment up with high quality presentations.

Most people live, all people die. What I mean by this is that many people HAVE in fact discovered a purpose to life, and they follow life's course with vigor, passion, and routine enthusiasm. Then, at some point sooner or later, they die. Every single one of us is destined to exit earthly existence and move on into the realm of whatever happens after death. I am not certain what happens, but I am assured that there is a place filled with pain, and a place filled with joy. I'm going to one of those places, whether I like it or not. I label them simply as Heaven and Hell; many people do, but some religions tag them under different titles.

Anyway, back to "Most people live, all people die". Did you notice that I said most people live? You observe correctly! Your eyes do not deceive you! Believe it or not, there are people out there who waste away their whole lives doing nothing but survive and indulge. I have nothing against people who live this way...

I just feel pity for them.

What fun is it to be cooped up in front of a television screen watching dramas or playing countless hours of games 24/7? You order out, or sometimes go shopping for essentials like Hostess treats and sodas, but all you are dedicated to is the addicting pleasure of screen-staring.

Another example is the void drug addiction can give your life. If you have a job, you work to feed your addiction. If you have a family, you aren't able to give them the kind of attention they deserve because you've fallen into a pattern you don't feel like breaking until it's too late.

Alcohol addiction.

Hoarding addiction.

Eating addiction.

Reading addiction.

Sexual addiction.

Addiction burns you, and many times we tend to just watch it burn on. We're entranced by what it gives us, ignoring the harm that will come.

Before I keep going, I must say that I have had weeks where I was addicted to something or another. I'm positive every human being is tied to something that they can't ever get rid of. If it's ridden, something else fills the position of dead weight. This doesn't mean that we're all failures, or that people with major addictions suck at life. No. Every human is valuable and precious.

The problem is that some humans gave up trying to get rid of their hindrances, and now they suffer the consequences. The people who see them suffer think that it isn't their responsibility to help them--that the person with the life-draining addiction needs to take full responsibility. Is that what we're supposed to do, let people prohibit themselves from life? Or can we rescue them?

I can rescue. The Foam Cabinet opened up to give me the truth of choice. I see many people who have wonderful lives. Yes, it's okay to take a break. Yes, it's awesome to indulge every once in a while. But no, it is not okay to live to please yourself every day of your life. It brings you only what you can imagine, and it feeds your flesh. It's not easy to be eager to work and try new things and submit, but the rewards extend far beyond what is given to you. Other people benefit from your blessings if you use them properly. I can live for myself and get what I think I deserve, or I can put my desires aside and give what others do deserve.

It's time for me to get off this roaring computer and benefit someone else's life for a bit.

1 comment:

  1. This post benefited my life... I mean, I'm just saying. ;)


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