What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Bunch of Rambling

You know that strange world I got trapped in?

Well, I've stopped searching for a way to get out.

I was able to open the Foam Cabinet today, and it gave me a laptop,
so I can at least have a little connection with home...

I was pretty shocked when I read over news articles and Facebook... Poor Japan.
Poor world.

I noticed that people are missing me.

I'd really like to know who...

Anyways, I'm all right. I really want to go back home, but today I finally realized that I AM home. Wherever I am is my home, in some way or another. I certainly feel safe, even if I'm uncomfortable. The people here seem to like me... Of course, I'd feel the same way if no one liked me.

Now that I think about it, there's not much to say. Every day passes with little to no variation. It's all the same. Sure, the days are different enough to not be boring, but nothing changes. Even when something does change, it doesn't affect the overall.

Not that back home was any different.

Anyways, I'm here. I don't know what's going on with the whole missing persons thing... I'm trapped in the Foam Cabinet, but I'm still here. Sort of.

Wow, this is confusing, and there's no way of explaining it! I apologize.

On the bright side, I opened the Foam Cabinet yesterday and found a whole bunch of paint... Maybe I'll show the world my artsy stuff soon. The Foam Cabinet has only to give me my camera.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Attention citizens of the world:

There have been reports of severe earthquakes, fires, car accidents, and tsunamis. People all over the world are rebelling against everything imaginable. Suicide rates are skyrocketing. Anxiety is high; tension is building.

Additionally, family problems are everywhere. Divorce, death, adultery, fights, abuse, disowning, etc. Schools are providing little help to solve the problems of rising stress. The economy is turning it's cruel hand over on us.

Amidst all the chaos, a missing persons report has been filed last night. A teenager with the name Cale Josten went for a ride on her bike, and never came back home. The police searched everywhere in the city for her, and all they could find was her bicycle, helmet, and clothes on the side of a street, not too far from her house.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Cale Josten, please contact her parents.

If you do not know who Cale Josten is, you need not worry.

There is hope in this seemingly hopeless world.

Thank you.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Trip

With all that's been going on in life, sometimes the Foam Cabinet will get dusty. It will wait patiently to be opened again. I was never efficient with keeping stuff periodical or organized all the time. Some people would open the Foam Cabinet every day. Some people would open it a couple times and get bored. Some people would make it a big, annual event. 

Not me.

There's no method to my madness, so to speak. I just open the Foam Cabinet randomly.

The last time I opened the Foam Cabinet, I went on a journey. 

For one, I was not ready to change anything about my routine. Get up, eat, work, eat, work, relax, sleep. I didn't feel comfortable changing this routine. But, as you can probably guess, my intentions were not fulfilled completely, if at all.

I opened the Foam Cabinet in search of a better way to go about my routine. Anything that could make me a little happier.

Inside was an unfamiliar scene. 

I would describe it in full detail, but the most impacting thing about it was that it was, indeed, unfamiliar. Anyone else may have been to the place before. The point is, I hadn't, so I wanted to explore.

I stepped somewhat reluctantly into this world.

Actually, I was pushed. The door shut on me.

I didn't want to go at all. That's an understatement.

In this world, everything seemed different at first. However, it didn't take me long to realize that this world was all too similar to the one I'd previously inhabited. 

Imagine leaving the planet, and arriving on another planet extremely similar to earth. At first glance, you're in an alien world. But, as you keep looking, everything's the same. The people there are like you, in the fact that they're human and can speak most of your language. Other than that, though, you can barely understand them, the only real reason being that they're different, unusual, and unfamiliar.

The way the new people govern things is similar to what you're used to, but it's different enough to be strange. You can't use the excuse of your rights, because your "rights" are a little bit different. Their life is the exact same, but at the same time the complete opposite.

And you happen to have almost no contact with your home planet.

That's as far into explaining my experience as I can get for now. I was a stranger, but I was there, so I explored. You would, too. 

After a while, I grew homesick. Therefore, I started to search for the Foam Cabinet in hope that it would bring me back.

I found it easily, but it wouldn't open. Not that day. I guess I wasn't ready.

And until I am, I'm stuck here. 

I might as well enjoy this little trip...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


The guy that almost kissed me appeared in the Foam Cabinet again.

This time, it wasn't a dream.

He was truly in love with me, it seemed.

I couldn't help but notice that his heart was visible...

As I peered deeper into the Foam Cabinet, I noticed that there were tons of people there. Everyone I knew!

Some of them... I could see their hearts. Some were scarred, some were bleeding. Some were very healthy, and some were barely even there. Some were soft, some were hard.

But I couldn't see everyone's heart.

I looked at my own chest.

My heart was missing.

I knew what it looked like, somehow.

But my heart just wasn't there!

I looked back to all the people in the Foam Cabinet. They were vanishing!

I started to step inside the Foam Cabinet, to search for the missing people, and to search for my heart.
But something held me back.

I slammed into something, then fell back. The Foam Cabinet shut itself up. Confused, I got up to open the Foam Cabinet again. Inside was nothing but a mirror. I was staring at myself. It sounded like everyone else was behind this mirror... trapped.

Also, in the mirror, my heart was visible. It was a twisted little thing... I couldn't really make out it's size or shape. Some parts looked healthy, but other parts looked sick. Torn up. Not quite healed. And the whole thing, like I said, was twisted. It was confusing.

After a while of looking at my reflection, I looked back down at my chest, to see if I could examine my heart closer.

Alas, my heart still wasn't there.

And when I looked back to the Foam Cabinet, it had shut itself again.

I couldn't re-open the door.

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