What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Bunch of Rambling

You know that strange world I got trapped in?

Well, I've stopped searching for a way to get out.

I was able to open the Foam Cabinet today, and it gave me a laptop,
so I can at least have a little connection with home...

I was pretty shocked when I read over news articles and Facebook... Poor Japan.
Poor world.

I noticed that people are missing me.

I'd really like to know who...

Anyways, I'm all right. I really want to go back home, but today I finally realized that I AM home. Wherever I am is my home, in some way or another. I certainly feel safe, even if I'm uncomfortable. The people here seem to like me... Of course, I'd feel the same way if no one liked me.

Now that I think about it, there's not much to say. Every day passes with little to no variation. It's all the same. Sure, the days are different enough to not be boring, but nothing changes. Even when something does change, it doesn't affect the overall.

Not that back home was any different.

Anyways, I'm here. I don't know what's going on with the whole missing persons thing... I'm trapped in the Foam Cabinet, but I'm still here. Sort of.

Wow, this is confusing, and there's no way of explaining it! I apologize.

On the bright side, I opened the Foam Cabinet yesterday and found a whole bunch of paint... Maybe I'll show the world my artsy stuff soon. The Foam Cabinet has only to give me my camera.

1 comment:

  1. To always be content with your surroundings is a great gift.


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