What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Welcome! (I like this greeting much more than "Hey", because it's not often used, and it's more polite.)

Oddly enough, the Foam Cabinet surprised me. AGAIN.
(Seriously, Cale? Hasn't the Foam Cabinet surprised you enough to nullify all future attempts at surprise?)

Yeah, no. The Foam Cabinet surprised me yet again.

With what?

The Foam Cabinet, upon being opened, revealed... The Foam Cabinet.

I have the urge to laugh histerically for no reason.

Anyway, to clear things up, I opened up the Foam Cabinet that the Foam Cabinet had revealed to me. (If you're not confused by this point, by Joe and Frank you are a BRILLIANT reader.)

As I read my previous exploits, my non-Cale part of my brain asked: "What happened to Carlos?"

Here is the answer:

After posting "Creepers.", I understand that I have not yet mentioned this mysterious Carlos, right? Well, here's how it went down.

First of all, Carlos is real. I've had a crush on him in eigth, most of ninth, and a small part of tenth grade. During the summer, I crushed my infatuation, but it was replaced with that much stronger feeling: fear. Possibly love, but I'm not sure at this point. 
Shortly after posting "Creepers.", I stopped thinking about Carlos altogether. Almost as if I don't care for him at all. But my worries have been re-ignited. Just yesterday, I expected to see him, but didn't. And I may never see him again. I'm not sure about his salvation, and that is why I'm afraid.

I have more to say, but the Foam Cabinet showed me a mother demanding work to be done. Until next time...

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