What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


It's very late.

I can barely believe it all.

"No longer do I reside where I was most comfortable."

Actually, I am more happy now than I've been in a long time.

The Foam Cabinet is getting old and worn. The Foam Cabinet is not as inviting as the Foam Cabinet used to be. With a hardened heart, I had been wandering about the city I spent half my life in. Once I found out that I was moving away, I did not cry. Instead, it was as if someone hit a "pause" button within me. I felt like I didn't care anymore. I went around telling people of my soon-to-be departure, and the surprise of my loved ones washed over me, wave after wave. I could do nothing but laugh. I didn't want to carry the burden of a broken heart again.

Saying goodbye... not knowing exactly when my last day was... familiarity ripped from my tight grasp... none of it hurt. It was almost as if I didn't think I would miss anyone. I felt heartless, and I tried so hard to cry, but I couldn't! I would simply stare into the darkness, embracing it with no friction.

When I opened the Foam Cabinet, my best friend; my longest relationship with a girl who was not a member of my family; my first Christian influence... her picture was there, resting expectantly in the corner of the Foam Cabinet. She had written me a simple, heart-felt letter.

Besides the love God sent me directly through His word, I had never before been so touched by the text of anyone. The tears finally came as she revealed her feelings; feelings I had always guessed that she had, but never mustered the courage to ask about. I know she sees this, and I know she loves me dearly. Too often I would take this wonderous child for granted! I felt so stupid and selfish when I thought back to the times when I had left her as the least of my priorities. It is a great and sorrowful shame that we grew so distant, but I feel closer to her now than anyone else.

I'll be everyone's pen-pal, if they're so willing to let me write to them. But this girl that the Foam Cabinet so graciously reminded me of shall receive the first letter. Not even the great Soccer Boy #13 will have his letter before this magnificent woman I am blessed to call my friend! 

And what will the Lord do with me now? What will the Foam Cabinet always tell me?

"You are loved, Cale. It is high time that you share this love with everyone else. Fear not... love all."

What? Yeah, I have a job to do--one that is more important than school; more important than work; more important than music, writing, art, soccer, television watching... more important than the Foam Cabinet. Above all else, love.

So I shall.


  1. :S That brought tears to my eyes... Love you, Cale! :) (and miss you, too.)

  2. Both of you are a blessing to each other, and to those around you.


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