What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wide Open

"In the event that the Foam Cabinet should self-destruct, please keep your distance."

Such a strange instruction... I mean, if the Foam Cabinet (or anything for that matter) was to explode into a billion piecelets, who WOULDN'T back off?

Guess what. Every time we are about to make the wrong decision...



And we act so surprised if our lame decision-making skills blow up in our faces...

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I had something entirely different to say. Upon openeing the Foam Cabinet today, I found expanse.

There is are "proper" definitions of expanse... such as "a wide extent of uninterrupted space" or "a big place with nothing in it".

I have found an expanse in my mind. My perspective has zoomed out a little bit, and I now understand more than I did prior to this week. 

I understand the concept of opposites in people's understanding: How someone can seem almost perfect, but then have that one weak spot where they never fail to struggle in the understanding of others. That one paarticular spot happens to be opposite to what their strength is. (That probably sounds a little confusing...)

I understand estimation as a convenient alternate to exactness, as being so precise causes headache and computer crashes. (This mainly applies to fractal and infinite sums in math, but also in feelings, communication, interpretation, and so on.)

I understand that love is not linked with fear, and vice versa. So, if I fear that my "love" will be lost, it must be something smaller (like infatuation, attraction, or temporary admiration).

I understand that it is pointless to complain about anything. Complaining NEVER fixes problems.

I understand that I am not the center of the universe (either because they say the universe has no center, or because I'm not the most important being in existence...). Sadly, I have to be reminded of this repeatedly. To put others first is easy to talk about, but hard as mess to do. But, practice makes perfect! 

As a brilliant rabbit-trail:

My brothers have succeeded in putting a photo of a nearly-naked young lady (anyone with nothing but a bikini on is practically naked) from our cereal box through the shredder. I am SO proud.

Anyways... expanse. I think I'll take a stroll in it to get a better picture of what God has placed in this life. Maybe I'll find a friend! Maybe I'll find a strawberry flavored breadstick! Maybe I'll find the cure to cancer! Maybe I'll find a dying man... Who knows? Whatever the case, I can't just sit here.

Ciao for now!


  1. Very interesting, Cale. *strokes chin*

  2. Understanding is a powerful tool... and one you seem to have an excess of. Keep us posted! And three cheers for your brothers. =)


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