What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


When I open the Foam Cabinet, most everything is unexpected. 

But now that I'm inside...

Here's what happed.

The person I'm lying on top of is warm. He smells good, too. I feel a pulse, and he's breathing. I tried to open the Foam Cabinet, but can't. I realize that it could probably only be opened from the outside. This proves to be a dilemma. 

Time passes, and I get sleepy. 

Soon, I'm fast asleep...

In my dream, everything is perfect. Everything turns out exactly the way I want it, only better. The dream lasts for a while... then suddenly, an image is stuck to my mind.

I can't get the image out of my mind. It drives me crazy! I toss and turn in my sleep. 

I'm woken up. There the guy is...

A fork in his hand...


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