What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Stress about decisions has caught up on me. Decisions about relationships, priorities, time, hobbies, and life in general.

I had strayed away from the Foam Cabinet for a while, probably because I got a little fed up with it.

So I went to it today, and came upon boldness.


Described as not being fearful or hesitant in the face of danger, rebuff, or discomfort, and as being courageous or daring, boldness is one of those qualities I wish I had more of. And the Foam Cabinet had some for me.

I went to open the Foam Cabinet up, and saw that the bottom of it was gone. There was an indeterminably deep, black hole right there in front of me.

Before I tell you what happened, I must ask: How would you react if there was a deep, seemingly endless hole in front of you? It would make sense to drop something down there first, to see how deep it was, right?


I jumped in.

I'm serious, my curiosity could kill me one day... and I'm incredibly cautious.

But I did jump in.

And I haven't found much, because I don't remember what happened next. All I can say is that if I saw that hole again, I'd jump in again. Why?

Because now I can walk up to anyone and love who they are in that same instant.

Now I can tell anyone anything without much regret.

Now I can study God's word without nerves.

Now I can say no to peer pressure.

Now I can make decisions.

I'm no longer concerned with what other people think...

And I'm no longer concerned with the restricted customs of this world.

If I wanna say something, I'll say it.

If I wanna do something, I'll do it.

I've got boldness now!!


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