What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Foam Cabinets Are Amazing.

They really are. I think everyone should have a Foam Cabinet. Or a Metal Envelope. Or a Brick Bureau...

I was sitting in my room, mulling over the boringness of life at that point, until my mom told me to wash some dishes. I found the task very interesting, but was finished quickly. I had my iPod on, and it was playing me some good ol' Blue Man Group.

If you've never heard of Blue Man Group, you should check them out. Their music is phenomenal, but watching their performances is even more amazing. I have yet to go to a concert of theirs. They are...

Percussionists!!! <3

What exactly is a percussionist? Well, the Dictionary.com definition is:

a musician who plays percussion  instruments.

How very informative. Let's look up "percussion".

the striking of one body against another with some sharpness; impact; blow.

I am a percussionist. I'm not a drummer, as I am inexperienced with the drum-set. I'm learning, though...

And the Foam Cabinet agrees with me and my love for anything percussion-y.
I opened the Foam Cabinet after my adventurous exploit with the dishes and Blue Man Group, and while the first movement of next year's marching show started, all my mallets fell out and started dancing! =D

How insanely cool is that?!

My creativity had ignited, and I started conducting them to form a message for the world:


My stuffed pals Charlotte the Unicorn, Carmen the Tiger, Smoosh the Turtle, Pascal the Chameleon, and Blake the Snake all agree that mallets are ultimately cool. Especially if they can form a rainbow. Like this:

And for those of you who don't know what a "pit" is...

We have Google! ^.^

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