What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Life's nothing short of a big adventure. Remember that cliffhanger I was telling you about? Well, I'll reveal a little bit of it today.

Why did I not reveal any of it yesterday?

Because when I opened the Foam Cabinet yesterday, I found absolutely nothing. I didn't post anything because yesterday, I was a little disappointed at the finding of nothing, and had nothing interesting to say.

But today, I opened the Foam Cabinet and found...

Absolutely nothing!

Yeah, I got a little confused. The Foam Cabinet doesn't usually do this to me; The Foam Cabinet doesn't usually reveal the same thing twice in a row, especially if the Foam Cabinet is revealing nothing at all.

This can only mean one thing: I'm living in bliss.

I mean, I just got a brand-spankin' new Brick of Wonder (cell phone)! I'm eating pasta! I've got nothing to do all day, leaving me the freedom of doing just about anything I want.

Now, sometimes bliss can be bad. Like...

If you're running away from a herd of starving carnivorous porcupines, having a moment of bliss may slow you down enough to be ripped and punctured to shreds.

Bliss can also be good, especially if you've had a particularly stress-filled day. You can use your bliss to do something productive like...

- Reading the Bible.

- Whittling a giraffe out of bamboo.

- Eating chocolate.

(If you're feeling especially talented, you can do all these things at once!)

By the way, this did not reveal any part of the cliffhanger. Sorry. ^.^

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