What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Iguanas are NOT the center of the universe.

Actually, if you believe that the universe is infinite, then EVERYTHING is the center of the universe. Including iguanas. I don't believe this, though. If I did, I'd be believing a pretty crazy paradox.

I was too busy to speak today! How does that even happen?

Here's how:

1.) You start doing something. (Say... Mopping the roof.)

2.) You keep doing that something. (Your roof refuses to abide to the authority of your mopping skills.)

3.) You realize that there is a ton of other stuff you've gotta get done, but you're not finished with your first task. (Oh, no! You also need to trim the dishes, scrub the lightbulbs, and sprint across a pool for an hour!)

4.) You start to freak out. (ARGH!!!!! My mop is being attacked by and adorable kitten-on-the-roof!)

5.) You remember events that are going to take place AFTER everything is finished. (Oh, snap... I've got to write a "Happy Wednesday" card to the guy I like, 'cause we're going on a date! And I'm going to visit Portugal tomorrow! I've got to pack!)

6.) Someone starts telling you that you're doing the job wrong. ("Hey! Quit playing with that adorable kitten-on-the-roof and keep mopping!")

7.) You get frustrated. (Grr.)

8.) You yell. (GRR!!)

9.) Your vocal chords snap, and you have to go to the hospital or something. (...)

10.) The world comes to an end, meaning you no longer exist physically. Therefore, you cannot speak. You are too busy to speak. (This is a little ridiculous, now...)

Well, there you have it. For a small portion of today, I was too busy to speak.

Oh, and the Foam Cabinet gave me a cupcake.

Life's good.


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