What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

These are a few of my favorite... FOODS!

The Foam Cabinet has been good to me all week long.

For one, the Foam Cabinet gave me food in abundance.

Food like...

Goldfish Crackers. 
Regular and flavor blasted.

Turkey Pot Pie. (My future husband must know that I would probably kiss him more if he tasted like turkey pot pie. Yes, it's that good. XD)


Oatmeal. With Brown Sugar. And Peaches.

Egg Toast. (Egg mostly runny, toast mostly buttered, and everything mostly salted.)

Angel-Food Cake. (Delectable in every way. And I could eat TWO of them whole.)

Milk. (Best drink. Ever.) 

Root Beer! (Yes, it is worthy of an exclamation point, because it is the only soda I can successfully chug/gulp/etc.)

Cheerios. With sliced BANANA.

Salmon. (I especially enjoy slurping up the skin and eating the bones. It may seem gross to most, but that only means MORE FOR ME!!)

Watermelon. (And all its succulent goodness.)

And, last... but not least...

Chocolate. (Milk chocolate is the best.)

I'll eat pretty much anything, trust me. But these are most certainly my most favorites.

It has been an amazing week. Food is only a small part of what makes life so very interesting and enjoyable.


Well, I'm glad you asked!

My answer is in some of my previous posts, and some of my future posts. (This is a cliffhanger. Secretly, I'm a paranoid advertiser of... something. And I desperately want to be acknowledged. *begging, pleading, and all that junk*).

I hope I've made the world hungry, because I know my mouth is watering like a leaky faucet.

It's time to EAT!!

1 comment:

  1. So I'm not the only one who obsessively loves root beer. ^.^


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