What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

BRAH! (Building Reasonable Amounts of Happiness!)

I have two choices. I always have at least two choices. Everyone ALWAYS has at least two choices.

For example...

My dad comes into my room, turns on the light, and wakes me up. I can:
-Wake up.
-Go back to sleep.

I choose to wake up. I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I can:
-Stand in front of the mirror and daydream about boys, pillows, and beef jerky.
-Get showered and focus on praising God that the water works.

I choose to shower and pray, and get on with the morning. I leave the bathroom. I can:
-Go to the kitchen to feed the pets and myself.
-Go to my room and catch five more minutes of rest.

I choose to go to the kitchen. My cats and guinea pig are happy, and so is my stomach. I finish my chores, and fill my water canteen. I can:
-Find my Bible and do a short study before my dad gets ready.
-Brush my teeth and fix my hair.

I choose to groom myself. I choose a hat to wear for the day, and my tongue glides over my minty-fresh teeth. My dad finishes his morning preparations. He drives me to school. I can:
-Listen to both my iPod and Dr. David Jeremiah's sermon on encouragement.
-Turn the noise off and have some conversation with both my father and my Father.

I choose to listen. The sermon is, indeed, encouraging. We approach the school, and I get out with my iPod still playing. The percussion leader is by his car. I can:
-Put my iPod away and strike up a decent conversation with him.
-Keep walking and have some time to myself to think.

I choose to be alone. A couple of my section-mates join me shortly. One starts playing secular music. I can:

I choose to stay, but with my headphones still in. More people arrive, and the band room is opened. We enter and start our routine. I can:
-Push myself to complete the workout beyond what I want to do.
-Halfheartedly finish the workout and let the whole world know how much I really don't like it.

I choose to push myself. We finish, and I hop up before everyone else to get moving again. We continue our routine. I can:
-Give the instructor my full attention.
-Mess around with my friends.

... ... ...

The day goes by, and band camp is over for the day. 

I could go on for a couple more hours explaining, in full detail, the decisions I faced today alone. The whole week would be close to impossible to document! But, if it could be done, I bet right here and right now that I could tell you who I think about the most, what I spend time on the most, how I think about things, and so on. Easy. It's the detail that gets me...

I opened the Foam Cabinet today and found an excessive amount of energy. I believe that I've used almost all of that energy up by now, thought, because there is a constant ringing in my ears, a droning pounding in my head (Ha! I used "droning" as an adverb!), and a piercing wave of blankness randomly coming upon my brain.

For those of you who are feeling the same way and do not feel like reading a ton of descriptions: I am tired.

Doggone-it, I'm more exhausted now than I've ever been in my life!

But I've seen what that Foam Cabinet of mine has in store for me. Though there was an overwhelming amount of energy inside the Foam Cabinet today, there was also a ton of emptiness. Perhaps I need to improve my mind a little bit by pushing myself a little harder to learn a little more? Who knows.

Anyway, that energy was extremely useful today.

I used it to wake up and stay up.

I used it to stretch and work out.

I used it to play the lovely instrument we call a xylophone.

I used it to have conversations.

I used it to dance to the Lord in front of a crowd of kids and adults alike.

I used it to focus on what was being said.

I used it to remember notes and patterns and rhythms almost effortlessly.

I used it to praise God.

I used it to glorify myself.

I used it to help others.

I used it to type this blog post...

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