What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Okay, I admit.

I am horrible at predicting the future.

So, I've told a lie. I'M SORRY!!!

So, I'm going to tell the truth. The Foam Cabinet has given me a lovely friend we'll call Tweety Bird. She is going to ask me some questions. I have to tell the truthful answer... because THE TRUTH SHALL SET ME FREE!!!

I wanted to do that whole "Two Truths and a Lie" thing, but the Foam Cabinet is telling me otherwise.

Tweety Bird: Do you like Soccer Boy #13?

Cale Josten (me, in case you didn't know...): Duh.

Tweety Bird: When you see his face, do you get all bubbly inside?

Me: Haha... yes.

Tweety Bird: When you see Soccer Boy #13, what are your usual thoughts?

Me: I have a lot of thoughts, all of which are excellent. For example: "This kid is much more awesome than I could ever be..."

Tweety Bird: This is so fun! You should call him and tell him to read it...

Me: He's going to read it anyway... This post is probably going to be extremely awkward. I don't even know if he'll speak to me after this. But, it's gotta be obvious, right?

Tweety Bird: I think young love is so adorable! I sense he likes you as well. Of course, he's not the dating type, is he? Haha, you're writing down everything I say!

Me: That's the whole point of this post! THE FOAM CABINET MADE ME DO IT!!! (Sorry, Soccer Boy #13...)

Tweety Bird: I guess I'm the Foam Cabinet today, then. 'Cause I made you do it! This is gonna be so exciting!!! *creepy giggles*

Me: I suppose. *laughing hysterically*

Tweety Bird: I guess I'm done. You can do your little closing thing now. (This is creepy... You're, like, writing down EVERYTHING I say...) Cale's in love with Soccer Boy #13!

Me: Woah. I'm too young for that!

Tweety Bird: You're never too young for love...

Now Tweety Bird's talking about my sister. I'll go ahead and close, like she told me to. I must apologize, "Soccer Boy #13", for giving you such an obvious nickname. It was Tweety Bird's idea. And I apologize for publicizing this. Not really... but still. They knew already. Right?

Anyway, once I get my camera chord back, I get to post about none other than...


Tweety Bird: Aww! I like that heart! 'Cause it could stand for your big heart, Cale, and then the little heart inside for Soccer Boy #13!

Me: *blushes awkwardly* Um, okay...

Tweety Bird: But, of course, your love is bigger than that. We should call Soccer Boy #13 right now! *smiles*

Sorry, folks. I'm starting to get a little irritated at truth. Oh well. =P

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