What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I would say that I favor clarity...

But I would be lying.

I'm the kind of person who wants to know stuff, but not everything.

I'm the kind of person who releases my feelings... from days to years after they've been felt.

I'm the kind of person who has adamant opinions, but takes forever to form them.

I'm the kind of person who knows how to read a face... but spends hours each night interpreting its meaning.

I'm the kind of person who loves unconditionally, but is super talented at pretending not to.

I'm the kind of person who is original... to the point of blending in with crowd.

I'm the kind of person who takes intrest in small things, but could care less if her house caught on fire.

I'm the kind of person who finds all the small signs... ignoring the elephant in the room.

I'm the kind of person who gets her way, but would do anything to give it all away.

I'm the kind of person who creates a mountain out of nothing... and stomps on the molehills.

I'm the kind of person who laughs, but wishes the world was more serious.

I'm the kind of person who favors love... not justice.

I'll tell you what: Opening the Foam Cabinet has been extremely difficult lately. I'm not kidding. I'd try with all my strength and energy... It's not that the Foam Cabinet is empty. The Foam Cabinet is probably overflowing with useful bits and pieces that make up most of my life.

Sadly, I couldn't access them, for some reason.

A couple good friends of mine gave me the key to opening this newly-locked Foam Cabinet today. To be clear, I'm not quite sure what I saw. Contradicting, I know. More often-than-not, the Foam Cabinet shows me something with absolute clarity. It may not be so sharp to anyone else who reads my typed thoughts, but everything the Foam Cabinet gives me is, to me, obvious in purpose. Even when I'm confused about it, the contents of the Foam Cabinet stay relevant. 

But using the key my friends gave me, the Foam Cabinet opened up to reveal... something. 

I think.

All those statements about myself... they're all true, in either a literal or metaphorical way. I put up those statements to try and reason out what I might have seen in the Foam Cabinet, but I'm right back where I started: clueless.


Not today. 

But, on the bright side, the Foam Cabinet opened up today! =)

1 comment:

  1. We. Want. Cliffhanger. Revealed. Haha. Just kidding. Sort of. Glad you found your key! I'm still going strong with my own Foam Cabinet ventures and journal writing... thanks for the inspiration! ;)



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