What is this?

This is a documentation of the Foam Cabinet. The Foam Cabinet doesn't technically exist physically. I could tell you exactly WHAT it is, but I won't. Just because.

Remember that this isn't literally accurate; most of what is said is symbolic.

But all of this is real. In a way.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Predicting the Future

I wanted to open the Foam Cabinet yesterday, but I started to watch Forrest Gump... and it was way past midnight....

And I fell asleep!

This is the second time I've watched this movie half-way through, but then fell asleep for the rest of it. I want to see how it ends!!! 

Anyway, I'm going to predict the future for you, for that is what was in the Foam Cabinet this morning:


As a disclaimer, I must inform you that I do not ACTUALLY know what anyone's exact future holds, including my own. But, with a little thinking, and a big Foam Cabinet... And the God who made it all... anything is possible!

Like a post about predicting the future.

I'm sure you all have heard of that one guy, Harold Egbert Camping? He predicted the end of the world. MORE THAN ONCE!!! And when October 21, 2011 comes, I'll probably be at a football game playing crash cymbals and a xylophone. (My first prediction! Keep count!)

"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." -Matthew 24:36 KJV 

My rebellious mind once thought of a loophole around these words. I thought that if every person alive predicted the end of the world on a different day, eventually one man would know!

This is a horrible loophole. God is bigger than the rest of us. We do not have the authority to predict His coming. We just are left with the responsibility of living until He does return, and anticipating it!

With all that said, I am going to eat breakfast today. Why? Because I always eat breakfast. Of course, Jesus could come before I get off this computer, thus making my prediction invalid... 
And "breakfast" for me referrs not only to physical food, but spiritual food. Spiritual food is far more important, as our spirits are immortal. My body will die one day. As my breakfast, I think a few chapters of Job and an Epistle, plus the Proverbs for the day (and an attempt to actually sing along to one of the Psalms of David) should suffice for this morning. I want to do it all! In fact, now I feel guilty for NOT reading before posting! 

My mind will overcome my spirit today. This is a sad truth. It's already happened, and it will happen again. I pray for the cleansing of my mind, so my spirit can be filled! 

I have many more predictions about the future, and I will convey them to the world somehow. But for now, I'm hungry. I shall leave you with this final prediction: The next time I open the Foam Cabinet, I will find kitties.


  1. >_< It is sad that it has taken me this long to finally notice the navy-blue script... :P


  2. I apologize! The script has been changed to white.


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